Telecom Equipment Network Access License

Approved and issued by the Telecommunications Equipment Certification Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, all telecommunication equipment used for access to public and private telecommunication networks must apply for access licenses and access marks.

The TelecommunicationRegulations of the People’s Republic of China stipulate that, The stateimplements a network access license system for telecommunication terminalequipment, radio communication equipment and equipment related tointerconnection between networks.The state implementsa network access license system for telecommunication terminal equipment, radiocommunication equipment and equipment related to interconnection betweennetworks. Telecommunication terminal equipment, radio communication equipmentand equipment related to interconnection between public telecommunicationnetworks, Must meet national standards and obtain a network access licenseissued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

The sampling method of the test sampleincludes sample sending and sampling: (1) Send samples. Those who have passedthe quality management system certification and the scope of the certificationincludes telecommunications equipment for network access, can send samples tothe testing agency. In the case of commissioned processing, Outsourcingfactories need to pass the quality management system certification. And the scopeof certification includes applying for telecommunication equipment for networkaccess. (2) Sampling. Failure to pass the quality management systemcertification or the scope of certification does not include the application oftelecommunications equipment for network access, And though passed the qualitymanagement system certification, And though passed the quality managementsystem certification, However, the following situations have occurred: Thosewho have been warned by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology orthe Local Communications Administration in accordance with the“Telecommunication Equipment Post-Certification Supervision and ManagementMeasures”, caused poor management of network access license marks, and resoldtransfer network access licenses or network access license marks, Samples aretaken by the local communications administration, telecommunications equipmentcertification center, or testing agency.

After obtaining the network access license,The certificated enterprise should be in early December of each year, Submitthe Annual Checklist for Telecommunication Equipment Network Access Permits tothe Communications Administration of your province, autonomous region, andmunicipality directly under the Central Government. This year by the Communications Authority of certifiedtelecom equipment business case for the production, use and otherJinwangbiaozhi review. The certifiedenterprises shall also actively cooperate with the supervision of thetelecommunications equipment network access license organized by the Ministryof Industry and Information Technology.

A telecommunications equipment manufacturingenterprise shall affix a network access license mark to the telecommunicationsequipment that has obtained the network access license. The network access permission mark is uniformlyprinted and issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, andis a quality mark.

Telecommunicationsequipment that has not obtained the network access license and the network accesslicense is invalid shall not be affixed with the network access permit sign.The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a network accesslicense mark for equipment that obtained a network access license. To get intothe network device approvals issued by the trial into the net to try flag. Thenetwork access permission logo is blue shaded, and the network access trialsymbol is green shaded.

When applying for a telecommunicationsequipment network access license, the following conditions must be met:

1. Telecommunication equipment shall comply withnational standards, communications industry standards, and regulations of theMinistry of Industry and Information Technology.
2. Has a perfect quality assurance system andafter-sales service measures.
3. Radio communication equipment, equipmentrelated to interconnection between networks, or new telecommunicationsequipment that applies for network access licenses shall undergo network accesstests for at least three months.
4. Meet other relevant national regulations.