Middle East Certification

n the Middle East, there are both strong economies and emergingmarkets. The weak local manufacturing industry has created huge import trade.In recent years, Gulf countries have continuously issued laws and regulations,and the inspection of imported products has been continuously strengthened. Atpresent, the testing and certification of electronic and electrical productshas Saudi Arabia’s COC compliance certificate. Saudi Arabia EER energyefficiency certification, Bahrain energy efficiency certification, Qatar energyefficiency certification, wireless communication product certification, GCCcertification for toys and some low-voltage electrical equipment in the sevenGulf countries, etc.

Chen River with experienced and certified in key globalmarkets for many years, Able to provide various product inspection andcertification services that meet the requirements, In addition to the nationalcertifications detailed below, we also provide:

Saudi Arabia CITC wireless communication certification service
Bahrain TRA wireless communication certification service
Oman TRA wireless communication certification service
Qatar ictQATAR wireless communication certification service
Jordan TRC Wireless Communication Certification Service
Kuwait MOC wireless communication certification service
Pakistan PTA wireless communication certification service
MiddleEast GCC Certification

Gulf Cooperation Council referred to as the GCC, the provisions from 1July 2016 onwards, All low-voltage electrical equipment and devices placed onthe Gulf of Seven markets must be GCC certified, And meet all the requirementsof the compliance label, The G mark must be marked on the product to prove thatthe product complies with the relevant requirements of the Gulf TechnicalRegulations.Including safety, EMC and other requirements. Chenhe works withauthorized institutions,
Carry out GCC certification, Consult Chenhe Quality Inspection fordetails.

SaudiArabia Certificate of Conformity

Decree No. 6386 promulgated by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stipulatesthat all imported goods must meet local mandatory safety and related standards,Every shipment of imported goods must provide a valid certificate ofcompliance, And it is an essential document for customs clearance of goods.Chenhe Quality Inspection can issue a certificate of compliance in cooperationwith Saudi agencies. We have extensive experience in exporting most of thegoods in Saudi Arabia, Saudi laboratories can assist importers with any issues after thegoods arrive at customs. Issue the certificate of compliance within 2-3 workingdays after the information is complete.

SaudiArabia SASO Energy Efficiency Certification

Air conditioners, refrigerators and other products entered the Kingdomof Saudi Arabia, Must meet Saudi standards, After testing by SASO registeredlaboratories, And need to register with EER in SASO, Chenhe cooperates withSASO institutions, Can provide laboratory registration,Product testing andproduct registration services, cycle 1-2 weeks.

JordanSafety and Energy Efficiency Certificat

Electrical and electronic products exported to Jordan, Need to get averfication letter issued by Jordanian official agency JSMO, In addition,products such as air conditioners and refrigerators also need to obtain anenergy letter.Chenhe submitted CNAS safety and energy consumption reportthrough cooperation with JSMO.
The above certification can be obtained quickly, with a cycle of 2-3weeks.

UAETRA wireless communication certificationInfo Box

All wireless communication products are exported to the UAE, Must beregistered in TRA, the manufacturer of the product also needs to be registeredin TRA, Chenhe can help customers to register manufacturers and products, andobtain TRA registration certificate through Chenhe’s R & TTE report. Thecycle is 4-5 weeks.

IsraelSII and MOC certification

The Israeli Standards Agency SII, both undertaking standardizationwork in Israel, Also assumes the role of detection and certification,Electronicand electrical products are exported to Israel, Must have SII certification,including security, EMC and energy consumption, CB report and EMC report areaccepted by SII, EMC and energy consumption, CB report and EMC report areaccepted by SII, The energy consumption test must be performed in the SIIlaboratory. Through cooperation with SII, Chenhe, Can provide a full set of SIIcertification services, the cycle is 3-4 weeks.
In addition, for products with wireless communication functions, it isnecessary to obtain Israeli MOC certification. The R & TTE report issued byChenhe is directly recognized by MOC, with a cycle of 3-4 weeks.

BahrainEnergy Efficiency Certification

On February 20, 2016, for refrigeration products such as airconditioners and refrigerators, Bahrain begins to implement a mandatory energyefficiency certification system. Products need to comply with ISO standards andbe tested by CNAS laboratories.Chenhe works directly with the Bahrainigovernment to provide product registration services. Please consult Chenhe fordetails.